Gap Analysis

The Initial Step Towards
Enhanced | Secure | Robust Workflow

Identify and Bridge Gaps in DevSecOps

Identifying the "Gaps" or weaker areas through DevSecOps assessment is crucial for organizations aiming to progress in DevSecOps adoption. Gap analysis delves into these areas, providing a roadmap to address the identified shortcomings.

The Process

Following the DevSecOps Assessment, a comprehensive analysis of the results is essential. This involves converting all identified deficiencies into actionable tasks. These tasks are then prioritized and planned for remediation. It's important to recognize that addressing all gaps simultaneously is impractical for any organization. Instead, prioritization is key, considering factors such as budget and resource constraints.

To convert identified gaps into a roadmap for addressing them, we adhere to the following process:
  • Translate identified gaps into actionable tasks.
  • Categorize tasks based on priority.
  • Prioritize tasks within each category.
  • Identify the subset of tasks to be addressed in the current evaluation cycle.

The Gap Analysis yields a specific set of tasks earmarked for Tool Evaluation.